#!/bin/bash # Exit immediately on failure set -eu # Are we running in bash? # Single bracket to be posix compliant in case we run in sh or something if [ -z ${BASH} ]; then echo "This script must be run from the Bash shell!" exit 1 fi # Are we root? Because we shouldn't be. if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]]; then echo "This script should be run as a normal user, not root." exit 2 fi PATH_TO_SCRIPT=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0)) echo "************************************" echo "* Installing pip *" echo "************************************" curl -s https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o /tmp/get-pip.py python3 /tmp/get-pip.py --user --no-warn-script-location export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin echo "************************************" echo "* Installing ansible *" echo "************************************" pip install ansible echo "************************************" echo "* Running Golden Kali Playbook *" echo "************************************" echo echo "Please enter your password to configure system:" ansible-playbook ${PATH_TO_SCRIPT}/main.yml --ask-become-pass echo "***********************************" echo "* Done! *" echo "***********************************" echo "You should reboot your system now."