#!/bin/python3 # --------- REVERSE Insertion Sort Algorithm # Implementation of algorithm in python # --------- Imported modules import inputoutput as io import csv import sys # ingressing data through cli arguments and imported modules target = sys.argv[1] numdata = io.ingressCSV(target) # insertion sort algorithm, as function def insertionSort(data): for i in range(1, len(data)): # setting the key to the current entry in row key = data[i] # j = i - 1 # left comparison FIXME: flipped key < data[j] while j >= 0 and key > data[j]: data[j + 1] = data[j] j = j - 1 # move key after element smaller than it data[j + 1] = key # sorting call insertionSort(numdata) # wrapping up and appending "-insertionsorted" to CSV target = target[:-4]+"-reverse-insertion"+target[-4:] print("Sorting done! Writing to file.") io.egressCSV(numdata,target)