#!/bin/sh # Build tester # runs the list-generator python script several times with hardcoded options # generates three of varying sizes #FIXME: add a if statement to check and then create a ~/csvs directory # clear out the csv directory echo "\nCleaning up ~/csvs/..." rm ~/csvs/* # smallest ./list-generator.py 100 1000 ~/csvs/hundred.csv # medium ./list-generator.py 1000 10000 ~/csvs/thousand.csv # biggest ./list-generator.py 10000 100000 ~/csvs/tenthousand.csv # biggerest ./list-generator.py 100000 1000000 ~/csvs/hundthousand.csv # biggiggerest ./list-generator.py 1000000 10000000 ~/csvs/millionaire.csv # biggiggiggerest DO NOT UNCOMMENT #./list-generator.py 1000000000 10000000000 ~/csvs/gigalist.csv echo "\nHere are the generated lists:" ls ~/csvs/*