# algo-py ## The python algorithm repository The purpose of this repo is to explore and demonstrate the function of computer science algorithms with file manipulation (using CSV files of random numbers). The functional file contains I/O functions for ingressing and egressing data. ### Algos covered: * Selection Sort * Insertion Sort * Quick Sort * Bubble Sort * Merge Sort * Heap Sort More to come! ## Ideas - Reverse order sorting algorithms (to kick it up a notch) - time study (how long does each take) + complexity log - seperate appends depending on each algorithm used ## Other funcions #### buildtest.sh * Used to generate a series of CSVs with increasingly larger row sizes #### input-output.py * Contains functions that are imported into algorithm scripts for ingressing/ exporting data to csv #### list-generator.py * Used to create randomly-generated CSVs for testing algorithm performance #### tripler.py * Serves as a proof-of-concept for file content manipulation