# algo-py: the python algorithm repository The purpose of this repo is to explore and demonstrate the function of computer science algorithms with file manipulation (using CSV files of random numbers). ### featured algorithms: * Selection Sort - 0(n^2) * Insertion Sort - 0(n^2) * Quick Sort - 0(n*log(n)) * Bubble Sort - 0(n^2) * Merge Sort - 0(n*log(n)) * Heap Sort - 0(n*log(n)) ## additional included funcions #### buildtest.sh Generates a series of CSVs in progressively larger sizes for running algorithms against #### inputoutput.py Library for functions that are used by the scripts to: * generate * import * export the contents of CSV files for sorting purposes #### list-generator.py Uses the inputoutput file as a module for generating CSVs based on command line arguments #### tripler.py Proof-of-concept for CSV content manipulation. Also serves as base for additional algorithms